Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wise Women Know and Fulfill their Duties as Mothers

"What I am about to say I am exceedingly anxious that it should sink into the mind of every parent in Zion, and that is, that while the Lord has provided all these wonderful educational institutions, while science has contributed so much for our comfort and our blessing, while the Church has prepared places to which we may send our children to be taught the gospel of Christ, that does not relieve you or me of the responsibility and the obligation that is laid upon us by our Heavenly Father to teach our own children. … It is not sufficient that my children are taught faith, repentance and baptism, and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost in the auxiliary organizations. My Father in heaven has commanded that I should do that myself.

Nobody else can perform the part that God has assigned to us as parents. We have assumed an obligation when we have been the means of bringing children into the world. We can’t place that responsibility upon any organization. It is ours. … First and foremost the obligation is upon you and upon me to not only advise and counsel but to train, by setting an example, by spending sufficient time with our loved ones, these boys and girls, that they may not be led into … forbidden paths.

Call your families about you, and if you have failed in the past to give them an understanding of the purposes of life and a knowledge of the Gospel of our Lord, do it now, for I say to you as a servant of the Lord, they need it now and they will need it from now on." (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, page 236).

The above quote brought several questions into my mind. Two of the most important are:
How well am I doing at fulfilling my duties as a mother?
What improvements does my Heavenly Father desire me to make?

I know only prayer, pondering, and listening to the Spirit will give true answers to those questions. I must choose not to pay attention to thoughts which contribute to feelings of inadequacy and less confidence in my ability to be a good mother. . .I need pure truth which can help me see how I really am doing and increase my confidence that I really can fulfill the divine calling as a mother.

Be Inspired,
Janelle Joy

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