Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What Animal Likes Rice?

Lady Slipper wants to know. . . I don't have any idea, I answer. . .

"Maybe we should look it up on you tube?" She exclaims

Be Inspired,

Janelle Joy

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!

Thanks to all who have been mom to my girls and to me!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May Family Study Plan

Posting these notes on the door in the kitchen really helps me to remember what discussion questions I want to use during family meals.

Be Inspired,

Janelle Joy

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Postpartum Psychosis

Wow.  Postpartum psychosis is real and can be so scary.  I spent several days in the hospital and now continue to work toward recovery at home.  I am thankful that in my psychosis, I never wanted to harm myself or my beautiful starflower or anyone else. Studying about the condition has enlightened me to understand that fact is a huge blessing in itself.

I continue to feel scared.  But I also remember that no matter what I suffer, all of it us worth it in order to have my beautiful baby.  And my personal testimony of Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His plan for me can keep me going through anything.

I will not give up!!

Be Inspired,

Janelle Joy

The Battle Within Subsides

I often feel a battle within myself. I am thankful for every brief moment when that battle subsides and I catch a glimpse of who I really am and the reason why the battle is worth it.

Be Inspired,

Janelle Joy


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