Monday, May 21, 2012

Moroni Men : President George Albert Smith

As Matthew 22:37-40 states the most essential characteristic I see in a Moroni Man:
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt alove the Lord thy God with all thy bheart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy cmind.
 "This is the first and great acommandment.
 "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt alove thy neighbour as thyself.
 "On these two commandments hang all the alaw and the prophets."

 George Albert Smith is an exceptional example of this most essential Christlike attribute of love. "President J. Reuben. Clark Jr., one of his counselors in the First Presidency, said of him :"His real name was love. . . .He gave his love to everyone he met. He gave his love to all he did not meet."
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church :George Albert Smith)

As I continue in my goal to refine the intent of my heart, I pray for my heart to become so constant in love.

Important note: see Alma 48:17 if you don't know what I mean as a Moroni Man.

Be Inspired,

Janelle Joy

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