Sunday, February 23, 2014

February Mini-Mission: Rejoice in Small Victories

I didn't get it posted earlier this month, but I have been focusing on the little victories each day to help me hold onto hope.  I really needed that goal this month as I had my 11th miscarriage on Feb 4th, and on Feb 14th I learned that I have polyps in my uterus which need to be removed as well as the autoimmune antibodies attacking my babies, and a hormone imbalance making it hard to have enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy (I knew about the last two).  I was scared about the surgery I had on Feb 20th to remove the polyps but it went really well. 

I continue to think of each little daily victory as well as past larger victories that remind me that I have much reason to hope for a bright future.

"Rejoice in life’s small victories. Hope emerges and is sustained when we regularly discover reasons for it. Capitalize on the small victories that unfold daily, such as completing assignments, submitting job applications, reading your scriptures, or exercising for a few minutes each day. These accomplishments provide proof that effort is rewarded, lead to enhanced self-confidence, contribute to effective goal-setting, and instill belief that success can be achieved. Try to notice and celebrate at least two of these victories each day." ("The Healing Balm of Hope," by Vaughn E. Worthen, Ensign September 2013)

What helps you hold onto hope each day?

Be Inspired,

Janelle Joy

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