Monday, March 26, 2012

Simply Beautiful: United States Flag

Have you ever paused to consider the beauty of the flag
for your state or your country? 

One year, when my mom gave me the assignment to draw the flag for each of the 50 United States of America, that is when my interest in the designs and colors used in a flag began in earnest. 
 I started to wonder:  What do the colors mean? 
What do the symbols mean? 
Do they mean different things to different people like one of Jesus' parables? 
Do they have one particular meaning?

What does the flag representing where you live mean to you? 
Do you have a family flag?

Photos courtesy of Reb Sumner Photos. Do not copy. To create beautiful gift items for Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day or for yourself (including calenders, magnets, wall clings, prints, cutouts, aprons and other gifts) using Rebecca's artistry, or to purchase rights to use her incredible photos to accentuate your blog or website, please visit her website. Prices start as low as $2. Please support this special supermom friend. For a special 15% discount for my readers only, enter the code Supermom at checkout during the time period of March 1-April 30 2012.

Be Inspired,

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