Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

2017 Yearly Goal: Tiny Triumphs

What small things do I do each day that lead to the bigger goals I work so hard to achieve? How can I take better notice of those tiny threads in the tapestry of my own goals, Let alone how they fit in Heavenly Father's master tapestry?
Even simply  finding one piece of one thread each day, and taking time to enjoy the triumph, will lead me to even greater joy. 

I look forward to it. . .

Be Inspired in 2017,

Janelle Joy

52 Favorites

Lady Slipper,

Yesterday, you read a book about a boy who wrote down his 50 favorite things.  You felt that there was just no way you could think of that many favorites. So we got out your journal and  tried it.  I loved watching you think and the surprise you exuded when you very quickly made it to 50 things.

Later that afternoon, it snowed a little just as we were walking out of dance class, Perfect timing, for both you and I  really love snow.  I knew it was a miracle.  You  said "mom please help me add 51 to my list: snow."  Then on the drive home you saw a horse and got so excited "52 mom! Horses!! They are my favorite animal!!"  I added them to your list.

Thanks for sharing your favorites with me!!




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